Thursday, October 22, 2009
Are people wising up? (Lone Ranger) 3:07 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Who are these guys? (Roy Rodgers) 3:02 PM
Health insurance and the tragedy of the common risk pool (Doc Holliday) 1:58 AM
A heated point of discussion in the health insurance debate is how to reimburse (that is, pay) doctors and hospitals. The traditional method of payment is the ‘fee for service’ – in which a doctor and a hospital is paid for the services they render. To an economist, this model appears to be fairly obvious – as a fee for service is basically the price of providing a service. Yet in the context of health care it has created all sorts of strange notions and policy prescriptions which are ultimately ill-conceived and self defeating.
The case against fee for service is that, put simply, doctors have an incentive to over-service their patients. The economics of this incentive is rarely put forward with any clarity by its proponents. They generally appeal to notions of ‘information asymmetries’ and ‘market power’. But none of these are adequate explanations. For example, market power assumes that doctors reduce their supply of services - but this is the opposite of what has been observed. Similarly, information asymmetries lead to adverse selection (Akerlof’s lemons problem), something which the medical colleges seem to adequately addressed.
The only explanation that makes sense to me is that over servicing is part of the wider problem of contractual enforcement - doctors have an incentive to charge and serve ‘that little bit more’ because insurers are unable to closely monitor doctors’ actions. Another way of looking at it is to think of pooled insurance being a 'tragedy of the commons'. The insurance pool is a common resource which doctors do not have any incentive in preserving. Rather, they have an incentive to encourage consultations and prescriptions believing that they are acting in the interest of their patient.
This problem is not unique to health insurance and examples can be found in other insurance markets. Consider the analogy of an automotive panel beater. I have lost count of how many times I’ve approached a panel beater and asked him to give me two quotes for the same job – a cash job and an insurance job. The quote for the insurance job is always more costly and extensive (in terms of work undertaken). The same logic applies in medicine. This phenomenon is analogous to moral hazard, but whereas moral hazard is normally associated as the patient's response to imperfect contractual arrrangements, this squarely puts it in the lap of suppliers.
One obvious implication is that free-riding on the insurance pool will give each patient additional care, but it is not clear whether the additional services necessarily lead to valuye-for-money. Another implication is that the logic of the tragedy of the commons applies to both private health insurance and to single-payer government fund insurance schemes.
My observations are not in any way new. Commentators have long observed the expansion in supply, and it has been dubbed as 'supplier-induced demand'. However, this explanation seems to have the best ring of truth to it.
But if fee for service in a pooled insurance setting leads to free-riding / supplier-induced demand (these terms should be used interchangeably), what have been the policy responses? In Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States, supplier-induced demand has led to the changes in the reimbursement of doctors and an increased monitoring of doctors' practices. In the United States where fee for service arrangements are commonplace, health management organisations (HMOs) have emerged. HMOs enter into contractual relationships with patients and doctors alike, and set limits on the practices of doctors. They can, for example, refuse to fund a course of treatment if it believes is not fiscally responsible. In the UK, the National Health Service has long salaried doctors in hospitals and has recently been changing the reimbursement of GPs. Now, doctors are reimbursed in terms of the number of patients on their books not how frequently they see their patients. In Europe, mutual sick funds have long operated their own hospitals and salaried doctors, and have closely monitored the prescribing behaviour of doctors.
There are similar pressures in Australia. Public hospitals in Australia have traditionally been funded on a capped budget basis, and doctors in public hospitals are salaried. Though some jurisdictions have increasingly adopted casemix funding of hospitals (such as Victoria) (which is essentially a fee for service arrangement) to improve productivity, in NSW at least, a public hospital is now funded according to how many people there are in its catchment area.
However, these policy prescriptions have two obvious deleterious effects. First, the close monitoring of the practices of doctors is in effect equivalent to regulating doctor behaviour. While it might be argued that it is welfare enhancing (relative to free-riding) it is not a first-best policy solution. Telling a doctor he can not give medicine x to a patient with condition y is a blunt (inefficient) instrument and misses the point that patients are highly individual and what might be an appropriate course of treatment for one patient may not be effective for another.
Second, paying doctors and hospitals fixed amounts reduces their productivity. As a community, you want doctors and hospitals to be as productive as possible (technically efficient) as they are very scarce and valuable resources. Yet paying a doctor on an hourly-basis will yield lower levels of productivity than if you were to pay them on a piece-work basis. Consider for example asking two house painters to give you a quote to paint the house: the one that gives you a fixed price quote will get the job done quicker than the one that quotes you an hourly rate. If doctors in public hospitals work long hours, it may not be because of the excessive workload they face, but because of the internal inefficiencies of the hospital caused by the financial incentives the hospital and doctors face.
This is not to say that regulating doctor behaviour and paying doctors on a salaried basis (or funding hospitals with fixed budgets) has no role in the community. But these are at best second-best solutions.
What then is the first-best policy solution? If it is the case that supplier-induced demand is simply free riding by another name, the answer is to ensure that the financial implications (market failure) of doctor behaviour are fully internalised. There are two complementary solutions to this. The first is to empower patients to resist over servicing. In my previous posting I put forward the case of governments creating Medicare Savings Accounts, abolishing community rating and making governments pay the actuarial risk premia to patients into MSAs. Under these reforms, patients will directly directly face the costs of their own health insurance, and will have a strong incentive in protecting their portion of the insurance pool. Doctors will not over service if the patient believes that the additional activity will not yield any additional benefits.
The second approach is not to employ and salary doctors but for them to own the health insurance business. Once doctors own the health insurance arm, they in effect internalise the costs of their own tendency to over service. Indeed, not only do patients have an incentive to look after their own health, but doctors will change their own behaviour away from simply disease treatment to disease prevention.
There is nothing in legislation or regulation that prevents doctors from starting their insurance fund, so in principle, it is possible. In Australia, however, there are a number of financial disincentives that inhibit such an institutional arrangement from arising. Two come to mind. First, there is little incentive for new businesses to enter into the health insurance industry. The presence of Medicare alone has severely curtailed the profitability (and degree of competition) among health insurers. When was the last time you read in the news of the start up of a new health insurer in Australia?
Second, since Medicare arrangements provide doctors with a nice little earner there is no incentive for them to champion a new world order of competition. You can bet your pretty penny that the Australian Medical Association will resist any attempts to reform Medicare. Replacing Medicare with MSAs implies greater competition for health insurance, which of course, doctors will not necessarily support.
This is not to say that doctor-owned insurance businesses do not exist. One standout example is the famous Kaiser Permanente of California. But a case study of Kaiser Permanente is for another posting.
Doc Holliday
Monday, October 12, 2009
Futures in everything (Roy Rodgers) 5:08 AM
Sick of trying to predict the end of the world or how about something less mundane like the probability that
Intrade is a futures market based on political and current affairs predictions. It allows you to speculate on the probability of an event occurring. The exchange is structured around a group of trading categories, such as politics and current events. Each category has a set of contracts listed. A contract being an event that will have an unambiguous result, like will obahma be assassinated by a ranting libertarian nutjob before June 30 2010.
You then trade on what you think the outcome of that event will be. Each event has a time constraint at which point the contract will close. For example if obahma gets assassinated on June 30 the contract will close at 100 points, if he lives to socialise another day the contract will close at 0.
Until he is either assassinated or the deadline is reached the contract will fluctuate between 0 and 100. The price at anyone time is representative of what probability the market places on the event occurring. You can trade in and out of the contract as many times as you like prior to it elapsing.
Like any good futures market … if you want to max your profit, so you can buy that little 9 hole golf course up at Port Douglas, you need to take positions against the market … buy when the market thought an outcome was unlikely and sell when the market thinks its very likely.
Good luck …. Just remember futures have the capacity to make you either extremely wealthy or extremely poor … no risk no return.
Ps ... if this is your thing id get in quick before big kev or the grand o try and ban it!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Insurance, the Market and those pesky wowsers (Doc Holliday) 3:19 AM
Now that my work has lightened up, I too will part a few shots at government and wowsers.
In any laissez faire insurance market, insurers charge insurance premiums that reflect the risk that people impose on the pool of insurance premiums. This is true for all insurance markets that I can think of - cars, houses, luxury boats, personal property. If you are 18 years old and park your Subaru WRX in Broadmeadows overnight, you pay the price!
Unfortunately, this doesn't occur in health. Instead, in every developed country that I can think of, everyone pays the average (pool) price - not the marginal cost. This is not because of a decision by health insurances but because of government regulation. The objective of community rating regulation as it is called, is to ensure that even the poorest can access affordable health care. Its effect is to smear insurance costs so that the rich and healthy subsidise the poor and the sick.
Community rating regulation appeared first in countries where private health insurance was the norm. But it also operates in the government-run single payer schemes (consider the National Health Service in the
However, this has some rather unintended consequences (hello hello!). One is that it removes any incentive for individuals to adopt healthy life-styles. Why drink green tea and ride a bike to work if you know that someone else is paying for your healthcare?
In a laissez faire market, there would be a variety of insurance companies each offering slightly different products. Some might offer health-management organisation type contracts: you agree to change your behaviours (eg give up smoking) in return for discount insurance. (Funnily enough, the earliest health insurance schemes (organised by many religious and charitable organisations) at the turn of the 20th century did offer just that.)
But under community regulation, no one has an incentive to change their behaviour. This is a problem for both private health insurance schemes (as in US,
Is there a role for the market? I believe there is, and
you're young. It doesn't give you the same incentive to change your lifestyles as an actuarially fair premium but its close. But it did influence PHI membership dramatically. It also demonstrates that people are sensitive to market prices - even for health insurance.
Back to my dilemmas for economists and policy makers. How do we get a healthcare system that is offers all the economic efficiencies that is currently lacking yet addresses the equity concerns of providing care for the poorest in the community? The obvious response is to introduce a voucher-type system. Governments provide individuals a voucher (it may be means-tested) to be spent on health insurance. The amount given to the individual reflects their risk-rating (so high risk individuals get paid more). Individuals can get to keep some of that voucher if they can demonstrate a reduction in their risk-rating (credited back to a Medicare Savings Account for use on a rainy, sick day). Individuals can use that voucher money to purchase private health insurance from any number of competing health insurers on the market.
There is another dilemma in health care that needs addressing - market power of medical professionals (doctors and surgeons). But that is for another posting.
Doc Holliday.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Re: Re: Wowser's worst nightmare (Lone Ranger) 9:04 PM
I should add that I hate smoking and will lock my daughters up if they ever try it....
Re: Wowser's worst nightmare (Lone Ranger) 8:59 PM
Could not find a live performance on youtube that fitted the bill, but you get the picture from this one..........
Stuff (Lone Ranger) 8:43 PM
- the middle classes becomes progressively poorer through the debasement of the currency and outright theft by major investment banks of public monies
- everyone loses their dignity
- it becomes socially acceptable to wear track suits in public.
This could be Australia. Check out
Another argument against wowserism (Lone Ranger) 2:12 AM
Needless to say as the father of two small children, alcohol is now a necessity rather than a luxury (contrary to what the do-gooders say, alcohol DOES make things better). Those annoying ads on TV that claim drinking in front of kids is a bad example for them get up my nose - kids need to understand that they cannot always do what the adults do. For God's sake. I wish the wowsers would stop trying to control our lives. The trouble is, they seem to congregate in government....